Dr. Ewen can teach your team the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) process empowering you to systematically find the root cause of problems and malfunctions and then take appropriate steps to prevent them from reoccurring.


Dr. Ewen can teach your team the world’s foremost systematic approach to making strategic, operational, and tactical decisions across your organization that are defensible and key stakeholders agree on.


Your team can be taught an advanced and visual approach to risk management where all contributing factors of a major incident/problem are “mapped out” and organizational vulnerabilities are identified. Through the systematic development of action plans, you will learn to put specific measures in place to proactively prevent issues from re-occurring.


Dr. Ewen can train your team to break down any complex situation into specific components, and determine who will do what, and by when. Also using three key criteria to put the list in priority order, so action can be taken on the right thing at the right time.


The words and actions of your leaders can have a massive impact on the people around them, even if they do not realize it. Dr. Ewen is certified to administer the Social and Emotional Intelligence Profile (SEIP) to members of your team. The Emotional Intelligence skills development program focuses on training teams to recognize how what they say and do affects the people around them. “Emotional Intelligence” is the foundation for this session, and your team will learn a variety of tools to strengthen their empathy, self-awareness, and leadership skills.


The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument is administered by Dr. Ewen and is the most widely used personality assessment of its kind. It is based on well-researched and validated personality theory with proven applications in a variety of fields, including organizational development, management consulting, personal coaching for executives and managers, leadership development and team building, and counseling for individuals and families.


It is not until people know what makes them talented and unique that they know how to perform better in their job. Or how to find one that is a better fit. And to build better relationships and be a better teammate. And to feel like they are improving, every single day. Whether you are an individual looking to improve or a leader wanting to empower your people to perform better, your efforts start Dr. Ewen coaching you on your Clifton Strengths.


Identifying and defining individual and organizational Core Values is a crucial step for any company, department or team. These values literally impact every aspect of the business. They govern all of the behavior and actions of your people. Values set the tone for the organization and can be used to identify ideal new employees who will fit in naturally. Bringing in Dr. Ewen as a facilitator to guide your team through this process of creating the Mission Vision & Values of your organization can pay huge dividends.


You cannot avoid conflict in the workplace. But with the right tools, your team can use conflict as a way to improve workplace relationships, create positive organizational changes, and resolve business challenges. In Conflict Management, your group will take a close look at why conflict happens on your team, learn how to be accountable when they get into a conflict, and discover how to turn these encounters into something positive. Employees participating will also practice a variety of ways to handle and defuse arguments, and learn why it is important to embrace conflict, rather than avoid it.


Building high-performing talent who know how to think critically and speak credibly. People who can present ideas with conviction, influence others to support them, and collaborate effectively to turn those ideas into profitable products and relationships. Helping people organize your thoughts and present ideas in ways that improve decision-making speed and quality for your organization. Helping your employees to be more persuasive and influential in your conversations and interactions with skeptical stakeholders, colleagues, and customers. Gain their buy-in and sustain their commitment.

“Dr. Ewen was my Business Professor at Colorado Christian University. The education I received from him has been vital to the success I have experienced as an entrepreneur and small business owner.  One course that was specifically useful in my career was PSDM (Problem Solving and Decision Making), brilliantly taught by Dr. Ewen.

After receiving my business degree, Dr. Ewen and I reconnected and he has been a wonderful friend and mentor for the last 15 years. I hold Gary’s opinion and wisdom in the highest regard. Whenever I am dealing with difficult issues both personally and professionally, I am always comforted that I have him in my corner to help guide my decisions.”